ENC 4416 Reflection

Course Reflection When I first signed up for Writing in Digital Environments, I wasn't sure what to expect. Would we be blogging? Learning to submit our writing online? Analyzing the Web? By the end of the course however, I learned it was all that and more, and I'm very glad I took it. This course had me looking at many of the digital aspects of my life in a whole new light. The term "Digital Writing Environment" became a part of my vocabulary. Every digital environment we use, from Snapchat to Netflix and Facebook, has "digital writing" ingrained within them. This accounts for the user interface, certain button and interaction prompts, placement of text and visuals, and more. We analyzed the purposes for having certain things here or certain text there. We looked at too many websites to name, and analyzed what made them good or what made them terrible (I learned most sites are pretty poor). I even became familiar with basic HTML and CSS principles an...