Twitter Account Reflection

Before ENC 4416, I had never used Twitter before. I might have created an account briefly in the 6th grade (as seemingly everyone did), but I quickly lost interest and never returned. I sometimes browsed other people's Twitters, but I never actively used it.

I was required to create and actively use a Twitter for Writing in Digital Environments, and I'm glad I did. I actually found myself enjoying Twitter, and I will continue to use it well after the class ends. It even prepared me for managing the Twitter account for an organization on campus!

All of the posts that were class/subject related had the #enc4416 hashtag. Students in the course and Professor Martin all posted a lot of interesting material related to the course. I was able to follow some notable people and organizations related to the subject material as well, such as Rheingold.

Some valuable instances of material included the Writing and Rhetoric Symposium with a presentation about "Hashtag Activism", Viral deliberately fake web advertisements and memes, and adresssing companies using Twitter as a way to get users to, essentially, market things for them. This situation appeared during the Super Bowl, where a 30-second "Captain America: Civil War" trailer asked users to tweet which side they were on, either #teamcap or #teamironman. This created a marketing campaign for the movie which will continue until well after the movie releases, which is fascinating from a digital writing and marketing perspective.

Overall, my experience using Twitter for the course was educational and fun. Coming from someone who had always dismissed Twitter, I now better understand Twitter as a fun yet powerful tool for spreading messages, content, and ideas. Twitter is extremely important when discussing "Writing in Digital Environments", and actually using it instead of just talking about it made it easier to better grasp in-class content. I'm very glad we had to create a Twitter as a part of the course, and I look forward to using it in the future.

-Brett Feller


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