Knowledge Sharing Full Version Quick Reflection

 Things I learned completing my Knowledge Sharing:

-Posting on LinkedIn does not have to be cringy or derivative. 

-Other classmates made some fantastic items! I'm still going through  them.

-Following certain hashtags can lead to an overwhelming number of posts and random spam users. It is best to keep things smaller. 

-LinkedIn's free analytics tier is not anything incredible, but still pretty good for an average user. 

It was a nice experience to reflect on a past experience and create something for the public beyond my limited personal social media audience. Did anyone else share something similar?


  1. Hi Brett!
    thanks for your concise but thoughtful summary. I share your views on LinkedIn, especially regarding hashtags. These are still paradoxical to me: on one hand, it's good to use popular tags to increase the visibility of our post. On the other hand, our post might be diluted in the flow of incoming input and might not get as much as attention as you wished. To me, this is where the person behind the post comes into play, where our strategy should not restrict to posting things once in a while but rather develop our own style, comment others' contributions and reshare valuable content.
    I liked the experience from our last assignment as well, and I was pretty happy to have a few reactions to some of my posts. LinkedIn remained the best online social space for my personal case. You'll see in my VoiceThread that I found some interesting data analytics on LinkedIn that mention the demogarphics of people who viewed our post.
    Also, thanks again for sharing your resources for this assignemnt, they were particularly useful to me and I will revisit them for sure!


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