Looking for ID Jobs

It's that time of life again, where I'm on the hunt for new jobs as I start winding down my current one. I've been looking at a mix of Instructional Design and non-Instructional Design related roles. My LinkedIn is polished and ready to go. What sort of Instructional Design interview, hiring, and jobs tips do you guys have? Any keywords or places I should look out for? Thanks in advance!


  1. I just got my first ID job, which I will be starting upon graduating this semester. It's with the State of Florida. I showed them my portfolio that I made for this program, and updated my resume. I updated my LinkedIn as well before I started this search. I never liked LinkedIn, and still hate the incessant emails they send me. I spoke humbly, as I currently work in Audio-visual, I will be putting my foot in the door here. Granted my pay isn't as high as many I see online, I and grateful for the first step. I'm sorry, I don't have much to offer but good luck!


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