Social Butterfly Challenge

 Free Rider Challenge:

"We're seeing a version of the free rider problem with the rise and fall of all the streaming services. Studios have realized that these services are a money pit and are having a hard time making their money back. At the same time, customer expectations have changed. So they are tightening the content available, raising the prices, and looking for more revenue streams. The golden age of the internet is going the same way"

Bloggy Blog:

You can try connecting with people you personally know first and taking it from there.

Chaewon Kim:

Your unique global perspective on micro-blogging and online communication is great to have. There are billions of people using blogs and sites and services that most Westerners would never touch. These sites often get way more users, views, and comments than American sites too. Taking some time to look at some region exclusive networks could be interesting!


Read and interacted with post and study about the connection between influencers and customers.

Great piece about a major success in education that leverages a reading network and community locally and nationally to improve student achievement and ensure every student can pass their 3rd grade reading exam.


  1. Thank you for the comment on my free rider blog, Brett!


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