Canvas and Web 2.0

Since Canvas is a hot topic of discussion these days, I decided to take a look at Web 2.0 tools in Canvas. Let's go back and try to the new discussion format too!

Some patterns I noticed in these tools:

-An emphasis on collaboration and "participation"

-Polls and opinions being displayed visually and organized

-Collaborative spaces that mimic real spaces

-Assessment and activity creation

-Streamlining web searches into a curated app

-Converting text into more interesting formats or dimensions

Now, most of this is for K-12 users (which is crazy to me since I always saw Canvas as college only). But I have to say that in my time at UCF and FSU, it was pretty rare to use an external tool within Canvas for any of the purposes mentioned above. I have used Flipgrid a few times though. Was it just the courses I took, or was it just before these tools really started taking off? 

If we see how instructors are using Web 2.0 tools now, we can adjust our expectations and think about tools that function within these patterns. Let's go to where our audience is. 


  1. Thanks for sharing the link on Embedding Web 2.0 Tools in Canvas. This is actually super helpful for my ID work - putting this one in the repository! Where I'm at, there's been a big shift on engagement in our online course. And when we say engagement, its "student-to-content," "student-to-student," or "student to instructor." I can see how these tools facilitate these kinds of engagement, but might struggle to find how far collaboration really goes. Usually the engagement if one way, which makes collaborating near impossible.

  2. We play with some of these during a later week in the course :)


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