The Digital Native and Multitasking


Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (

The concept of a digital native, as written in 2001, has already seen a lot of changes in 2023. One interesting thing to note is the technical ability of young people. For my generation, we had to learn how to navigate computers designed for adults, complete with dial-up, forums, and many assumptions of knowledge. If you knew how to use the internet, navigate a file system, or troubleshoot, you had genuine skills. Today, the barrier for entry is so low. Many students never have to touch a file system. Everything is supposed to just work, and everything is simplified for apps and smart devices. Are young people today upskilling technically like we were forced to do in the late 90s and 2000s, or are they getting stuck using anything beyond a Chromebook?

The myths of the digital native and the multitasker - ScienceDirect

I had heard of this concept before in a prior class. We pretend that we can multitask with technology and we really cannot. Combine this with our digital products demolishing our attention span and being purposed designed around speed and shortness - multitasking is getting even harder for all of us. Youtube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and Tiktoks in particular. Endless short form content with no start or finish. Just scroll scroll scroll. I remember when daily internet usage looked very different than this. But what is happening to people who /only/ experience the internet through this format? It dramatically shapes how we interact with our devices and Web 2.0. Interesting to think about. 


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